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Crisis of Capitalism.

Are we seeing a development from

Capitalism to Fascism?

Recorded session from 9/13
This Is Neoliberalism ▶︎ Introducing the Invisible Ideology (Part 1)
Wolff Responds: The Road to Fascism
The dirty secret of capitalism --
and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer

MON. SEPT. 14, 7PM-9PM


Voting is Power Unleashed! Moral Monday Mass Assembly


An evening that will bring together thousands of poor and low-income people and their allies as we share tools and teach-in on voter engagement, registration and protection, and announce our upcoming activities this election season.

This massive online event will feature the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Forward Justice, the 43 PPC State Coordinating Committees, our co-chairs, directly impacted people, artists and special guests.


You won’t want to miss it!


Find at least five people to join you for a watch party – find five keep democracy alive!


Click here to RSVP!

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