"The vision is to develop, recruit, and organize low-income populations into a force able to influence politics toward the needs we have. This foundational group will reach out to those organizations already in the fight for our basic needs - water warriors, environmental groups, housing rights, universal healthcare warriors, access to education fighters, and all the rest who are outraged about the circumstances we find ourselves in."
- Maureen Taylor
Join the Zoom meeting by clicking HERE. The room will open at 5:50 pm EST.
Meeting ID: 921 1471 2235 Password: 2XiFuW
Maureen D. Taylor is a lifelong soldier in the war against the poor. She has served as State Chair of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization since 1993, and was elected Treasurer of the National Welfare Rights Union in 1994.
Tristan Taylor is a native born Detroit activist and revolutionary whose been active in struggle since he was 17. Tristan is a founding member of Detroit Will Breathe (DWB), anti- police brutality organization formed during the George Floyd uprisings. Tristan is also a member and writer for Left Voice, a revolutionary socialist publication that is part of an international news network.
Prof. Emeritus Charles Omowale Simmons is Co-CEO & Founder of the Hush House Black Community Museum and Leadership Training Institute for Human Rights, and also the “TRUE D SOUL BED and BREAKFAST”, both in Detroit, Michigan. USA, Prof. Simmons was an International Fellow at Columbia U. In New York, where he received an MS in Journalism. He has a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University
Law School in Washington D.C. and a BA in English Education from Langston U. in